In Celebration of Hanukkah, we at Doing It All will shift to honor one of the few Hanukkah TV Events (kinda).

“The Night Hanukkah Harry Saved Christmas”

It was brought to us by non-other than Saturday Night Live during one of there truly high comedic peaks. I know when you think Hanukkah and SNL, the first thing that pops into your mind is Adam Sandler’s “Chanukah Song.”


Some 5 years prior, Jon Lovitz broke down the barriers of our long ignored Jewish Friends by providing them with there own Christmas Special sponsored by Hallmark Cards in association with the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, granted it was only 8 minutes long. However it went on to produce another Hanukkah Harry appearance just 5 months later in which Hanukkah Harry Saves Easter.

Over the years it has become an slightly cult classic, with several Children Books, some Jewish Parents referring to him as being the bringer of gift for Hanukkah, as well as appearance at Santa-Cons around the country with fans dressed in Bright Blue and White Hanukkah Harry Costumes, and yes they are for sale on the internet.


It Ain’t Christmas Until #1 David Bowie and Bing Crosby Performing “Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy”                IT AIN’T CHRISTMAS UNTIL #3 34 Years Ago Today BAND AID “DO THEY KNOW IT’S CHRISTMAS?” was released